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plant care instructions 

Here at mis plantitas, we believe plant parenting should be fun, therapeutic and as easy as possible. This starts with a good foundation of plant care knowledge.


The care instructions below are general, basic care instructions for each species of plant below. Please take into consideration your space, light, humidity etc…EVERY SPACE IS DIFFERENT. Please find what works best for you and your plants in YOUR space.



Air Plant 

•    Water every 10 days- two weeks, soak your air plant in room temperature tap water (or rain/pond water if you can find it) for 15-20 minutes.

•    After soaking gently shake excess water from your plant. ... 

•    From the time soaking ends, the plant should be able to dry fully in no more than 3 hours

•    Likes indirect light- nothing too direct/intense on it


Chamaedorea Elegans, Neanthe Bella Palm

Water: every 12-14 days. Make sure soil is dry to root before watering. Watering highly depends on light level: higher light = more frequent watering (possibly 10-12 days).

Light: likes indirect light, can take morning higher light if available. Can live under in lower light, but growth and watering will be less.

Growth: smaller roots, does not need to be repotted often.


Pilea peperomioides ‘Chinese Money Plant’

Water: when top ½ of soil is dry. Leaves will tend to droop or curl when watering is needed. Around once every 10-12 days, can be 7-10 days in summer.

Light: bright indirect light is preferred. Can take direct light for part of the day if needed (water more frequently) can adapt to indirect light but growth will slow & watering is less frequent.

Growth: is top heavy and will always lean towards light source. For a full spherical plant, rotate once a week or when watering. Higher light = more frequent watering. Lower light = slower growth and less frequent watering. Bigger pots = less frequent watering.



Water: every around 14 days. Make sure soil is dry before watering. (Cousin to Snake Plant) drought tolerant.

Light: prefers a lower light. Indirect light is best, can adapt to low indirect.

Growth: slow growing. Can eventually be a taller, floor plant.


Selenicereus chrysocardium Fern Leaf (orchid) Cactus

Water: when soil is almost completely dry. Should be around 12-14 days in a bright light. 14+ days in indirect/lower light.

Light: prefers bright indirect light, can do indirect if needed. Can get “burnt” if placed in direct light.

Growth: trailing plant, unlike a Pothos it will not vine, but more like the growth will flow over the sides. Some growth may be more narrow than others, size will vary by light and conditions.


Nemantanthus ‘Goldfish Plant’

Water: every 7-10 days. Make sure top inch of soil is dry before watering. Watering highly depends on light level: higher light = more frequent watering.

Light: likes bright/bright indirect light, can take direct light if available. If desired, in Summer- gradually move it into outdoor sun, not all at once.

Growth: smaller roots, does not need to be repotted often. ROTATE WITH WATERING FOR EVEN GROWTH.



Water: normally 14+ days. Make sure soil is dry before watering. Watering highly depends on light level: higher light = a little more frequent watering (possibly around 12 days).

Light: likes bright/bright indirect light, can take direct light if available. With higher light, more color will come to leaves, higher chance of flowering.

Growth: smaller roots, does NOT need to be repotted often. Will get it’s “branch” first and leaves after, will trail or grow on trellis


Pachypodium lamerei ‘Madagascar Palm’

Water: every 12-14 days. Make sure top ½ of soil is dry before watering. Watering highly depends on light level: higher light = more frequent watering.

Light: likes bright/bright indirect light, can take direct light if available. 

Growth: smaller roots, does not need to be repotted often. ROTATE WITH WATERING FOR EVEN GROWTH OF TOP LEAVES.


Senecio bryoniifolius ‘Magic marble/silver heart’

Water: when soil is dry& leaves feel a bit limp. Should be around 12-14 days in a bright light. 14+ days in indirect light.

Light: prefers bright light, can do bright indirect light if needed.

Growth: trailing plant, smaller roots, does not need to be repotted often. Can also grow up a trellis. Make sure to wet down growth before attaching to trellis.


Pachira aquatica ‘Money Tree’

Water: when soil is almost completely dry. Should be around 12-14 days in a bright light. 14+ days in indirect/lower light.

Light: prefers bright indirect light, can do indirect if needed. Can get “burnt” if placed in direct light.

Growth: can be more of a ‘bonsai’ if you keep it in a small pot. Trunk of the plant is very slow growing. If you want it to continue to grow, repot it one size up (2”) once roots are growing out top or bottom of nursery pot. Can eventually be a large floor plant if desired, but will take years, indoors.



Water: once every 12-14 days. The bigger the plant is, the less frequent the watering is. 

Light: bright/bright indirect light. Can take direct morning sun- but not for extended periods of time (can burn leaves). Nothing too dark-growth can get stringy/less fenestrations.

Growth: Moss poles and trellises are a great way to have it climb up. It will naturally trail down or grow outward. Aerial roots are normal, repot when roots come out of bottom or when getting root-bound.


Beaucarnea Recurvata ‘Ponytail Palm’

Water: once every 7-10 days. Spring/Summer check more frequently (5-7 days)

Light: bright light. Can take direct (East) morning sun- but not for extended periods of time. Nothing too dark-growth will be stringy.

Growth: Stump will grow to pot size. Repot when roots are coming out of the bottom or when stump is almost touching sides. Can pot in 1-2 sizes up, nothing bigger. Trim any browning tips. Can mist growth -not necessary.



Water: every 12-14 days. Make sure soil is dry before watering. Watering highly depends on light level: higher light = more frequent watering (possibly 10-12 days).

Light: likes bright indirect light, can take morning direct sun if available. Can live under in lower light, but growth and watering will be less.

Growth: very small roots, does not need to be repotted often. Will top out at about 12”-18” tall. Rotate for even growth.



Water: every 14 days +. Watering highly depends on light level: higher light = more frequent watering (14 days) less light = 2.5-3 weeks. Should be firm, will feel soft when needing water.

Light: likes bright light, but indirect light is ok if letting it dry out properly.

Growth: low growing plants, can hang over sides of pot. Known for large flowers. Tips will turn purple/red.


Schlumbergera truncata ‘Thanksgiving Cactus

Growth: They hit their peak growing season from April-October. During that time it's better to give them ample sunlight (but not direct) and water. For the best blooms-plant food is helpful during this time. DO NOT FEED once blooms start.

Water: check at 7-10 days. Water when top ½ is dry. Let dry out more from December-March.

Light: bright indirect is best, can take some brighter light (east) if needed.


Hemigraphis Waffle Plant:

Water: likes to stay moist- water every 5-7 days depending on light level. If it ever misses a day of water, leaves will go limp, water it right away- leaves will stand back up within 30 minutes.

Light: likes bright indirect to indirect light. Can live under in lower light, but growth and watering will be less. NO DIRECT LIGHT.

Growth: very small roots, does not need to be repotted often. Will top out at about 6” tall, 12’ wide.






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